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Welcome to the Finding Freedom Forum
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The Forum is based on some core principles:
That you have been drawn here suggests that you are looking for something more? I hope this will help you find some answers.
Are you struggling with who you are, what you think and how you feel? Do you get caught in feelings of self doubt, inadequacy and stuckness, going around in circles?
It is little wonder! We live in a society that is driven by fear, scarcity and competition. It teaches that fulfilment comes from possessions, status and power.
And yet somehow that does not seem to work.
Love, kindness, compassion and connection are core human needs. We do not comfortably live in isolation.
Yet we are told that to feel good we need to acquire and achieve. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world and still are unhappy.
We get caught in endlessly seeking gratification through our relationships, our careers and our possessions.
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Often there comes a time when we realise we need more than that or it just isn’t working for us.
Do you feel as though, in spite of years of struggling and striving, no matter how much or little you have achieved, you still feel empty, anxious and isolated?
Do you go to battle with yourself, blaming yourself for not “doing more and better,” wondering what you are doing wrong?
Does it feel as though life is passing you by and you are missing out on the fun?
Do you get caught in blame, frustration and resentment that you are missing out?
Do you keep arguing with reality and losing?
After all, looking at the outside world to make you feel good on the inside rarely works. We feel bad, miserable, unhappy on the inside.
These things are all on the outside and so inevitably we have little control over them.
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What Else is Possible?
In the Forum we will explore, experiment with and experience new ways of thinking and feeling.
What if, instead of going to battle with ourselves and life for all that we want and don’t have, what about starting to line up with what we do have, no matter how it feels.
When we stop struggling and trying to change the outer world, inner shifts can take place.
In the Forum we explore how we feel on the inside by focusing on what is happening there, where we do have authority. Miracles occur when we bring compassion and understanding there.
instead of resisting what we don’t want and craving what we do we can start appreciating what we have: all that we have to offer and all that life is offering us.
When we are with ourselves and our lives in a a place of acceptance and appreciation of even the biggest challenges, we give them the space to change and evolve into something more and different.
When we learn to accept that often our thoughts don’t agree with our feelings, that our actions don’t always match our intentions that creates the space for change.
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As we learn to allow, accept and even appreciate those inner battles, so we start to hear the whispers from our Soul/wise inner voice and the Divine/The Universe.
As we come to appreciate that our Soul might have a different agenda for our lives than our ego does, we can come into a place of greater healing, wisdom and growth.
In the Forum we will use various forms of Gratitude, other methods and ideas, to dissolve the struggles and create the space to Start Living!
Welcome!!! I hope you enjoy the ride.
If you do not receive an invite to join the Private Secret Facebook Forum within 24 hours of enrolling please email me on info@anniesorell.com.au.
Each week you will receive a link to connect to the Weekly Forum Call. The day after the Call you will receive the Recording. You can also go to the Membership site to access previous recordings.
Remember you are welcome to email me with questions for the Forum. Your question will always benefit someone else as well.
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